Risk Assessment document

What is a risk assessment?

Putting a machine, helping tools, or human effort at a standard. To clarify and find out hazards and their remedies, a document is called a risk assessment document. Notice the hazards and finding out their solution is very important. Worker safety, machine safety, and production are important factors in industries. Given unsafe use of power sources at the machine can be dangerous for workers and machines. Use the power source at the machine through the safe procedure.

How to make a risk assessment?

To make an effective Risk Assessment form follow these steps which are given below. It starts with finding hazards and risks and end to reviews of control.

Steps to make a Risk Assessment document

  • Firstly Identify hazards.
  • Secondly, Assess the risks.
  • Thirdly Control the risks.
  • Fourthly Record your findings.
  • Fifthly Review the controls.

5 Types of Risks and Risk Assessment form

  1. Operational
  2. Financial
  3. Strategic
  4. Compliance
  5. Reputational
  1. Qualitative risk assessment.
  2. Quantitative risk assessment.
  3. Generic risk assessment.
  4. Site-specific risk assessment.
  5. Dynamic risk assessment.

Example of Risk Assessment form

Engineering risk assessment document with type and control.
Engineering Risk Assessment Document with expected risks and existing risk control

Risks according to the power sources

  • 1. Electrical power
  • 2. Mechanical power
  • 3. Pneumatic power
  • 4. Hydraulic power
  • 5. Chemical power

To find out the risks associated with these power sources

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