AED (Automated External Defibrillator)

What is AED?

An AED (Automated External Defibrillator), or an AED, is an electro-medical device. This device primarily delivers electrical shocks to a person who has suffered a cardiac arrest. A cardiac arrest situation occurs when a person’s heart stops suddenly.

There are two kinds of AED semi-automatic and automatic.

How AED (Automated External Defibrillator) Work?

AED pads are attached to the patient’s chest at specific locations. Firstly AED analyses the electrical activity of the patient’s heart. The AED detects ‘shockable’ cardiac activity. Then, an AED device delivers an electric shock to the patient to attempt to restore normal cardiac rhythm. A semi-automatic AED will prompt the user when to deliver an electric shock. Whereas an automatic AED will instruct that it is delivering the needed shock.

When use of AED?

After a cardiac arrest, the AED should be used immediately. AED can significantly increase the chances of a patient’s survival. An AED can be used on anyone unconscious and unresponsive person who not taking normal breathing. If anyone is with you, you ask him to call for help, and you should start CPR and then use the AED. An AED will only allow shocks if the patient requires it.

Preparations for AED use.

Before starting AED check all important points like the patient’s heartbeat, the patient’s condition, the patient’s response, and breathing. Read details about this

If the patient’s chest is wet, first, dry the chest area. An AED device will not deliver an electric shock if it is not needed in the patient’s situation.

AED can be used.

AED devices can be used on pregnant women, over 1-year-old children, and people with pacemakers. Anyone can use Semi-automatic and automatic AED devices without any training. Because AEDs provide step-by-step prompts.

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The information and knowledge in this post are not a substitute for proper first-aid training.

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