Hepatitis B and C

hepatitus symptums in liver

What is hepatitis? A common liver disease that is found all over the world. There are many types of hepatitis but the most lethal/dangerous are hepatitis B and C. The types of hepatitis are, hepatitis A, B, C, D, E, etc. Hepatitis A The hepatitis A virus(A virus is an infectious agent of small size … Read more

Understanding Responsibility for Safety in the Workplace

two seniours show responsbility

Responsibility is the thought in this thought we take care of ourselves and others. And how active we are for this purpose. Create responsibility in our minds so we can take care of ourselves and others effectively. For example, if we follow the safety precautions we can save ourselves and others at the workplace and … Read more

Driving Safety

Driving without safety

Driving safety/Defensive driving Driving is a very common and important activity then it is important to understand driving safety. Some People are always and continuously in the situation of driving. That’s why most people are affected by road accidents. Every year many people die or are victims of serious injury in road accidents. Some factors … Read more

Drinking Water

A glass of pure drinking water.

Drinking Water Report

Water is very important for life that’s why ensure that you drink water is a drinking water or enable to drink.

Pure water better life

Water is very important and essential for human life. We can say safe water if have these qualities.

  1. Aesthetically acceptable
  2. Radioactive elements absent
  3. Chemically safe
  4. Free from bacteria
  5. Organic substances absent

Impure Water Bed effects


  1. Colored water is not acceptable for drinking (Aesthetic as well as toxicity reasons)
  2. Aesthetically not acceptable and Palatability decreases
  3. Health-related problems
    • Affect the mucous membrane
    • Gastrointestinal irritation
    • Dental and skeletal fluorosis
    • Methemoglobinemia
  4. Encrustation in water supply structure
  5. Adverse effects on domestic use
  6. Eutrophication of the waterbody
  7. Taste, discoloration, and corrosion of pipes fittings, and utensils
  8. Promotes iron bacteria
  9. Corrosion in the water supply system
  10. Carcinogenic effect
  11. Toxic effect
  12. Formation of chlorophenols with
  13. Chlorine
  14. Imparts unpleasant taste and odour after chlorination
  15. Water-borne diseases

Constituents Responsible

  • Clay, Silt, Humus, Colour
  • pH
  • Hardness, TDS, Ca, Mg, SO4
  • Fluoride
  • Nitrate
  • Hardness, TDS
  • Ca, Mg, Cl
  • Zoo & Phyto, Phosphate, Nitrate
  • Iron, Mn, Cu, Zn, Alkalinity
  • Fe & Mn
  • pH, Cl
  • Cr, As
  • Cd, Pb, Hg
  • Phenols
  • Oil & grease
  • Bacteria & viruses

Drinking Water benefits for the human body

  • carrying nutrients and oxygen to your cells
  • flushing bacteria from your bladder
  • aiding digestion
  • preventing constipation
  • normalizing blood pressure
  • cushioning joints
  • protecting organs and tissues
  • regulating body temperature
  • maintaining electrolyte (sodium) balance.

Water Report

Possible drinking water chemical report. Direct deep well water sample chemical reports the water can be drunk by humans or animals.

for drinking water
for drinking water
pH6.5-8.5Zinc (mg/l)5
OdorLead (mg/l)<0.05
TasteBoron (mg/l)0.3
TDS (mg/l)<1000Nickle (mg/l)<0.02
Color (TCU)<15 TCUCopper (mg/l)2
Nitrite (mg/l)<3Barium (mg/l)0.7
Nitrate (mg/l)<50Arsenic (mg/l)<0.05
Phenol (mg/l)NGCyanide (mg/l)<0.05
Fluride (mg/l)<1.5Mercury (mg/l)<0.001
Selenium (mg/l)0.01Chloride (mg/l)0.2-0.5
Chloride (mg/l)<250Cadmium (mg/l)0.01
Turbidity (NTU)<5 NTUChromium (mg/l)<0.05
Aluminium (mg/l)<0.2Manganese (mg/l)<0.5
Antimony (mg/l)<0.005Fecal ColiformNG
Total Hardness (mg/l)<500E.coli (efu/100ml)0(efu/100ml)

This possible water chemical report maybe not the same as other area

Emergency Evacuation Procedures for Buildings

Introduction to Evacuation The immediate escape of people away from an area that contains hazards like fire, earthquake, or accidents to lives or property is called evacuation from the building. Evacuation from a building is a critical procedure. The purpose of evacuation policy is to ensure the safety of individuals in the event of an … Read more


diffirence between hse and ehs show in this picture.

Introduction of HSE and EHS

HSE may be a company but my opinion and focus are on an HSE department. This department works on.
1. The health of workers.
2. The safety of workers.
3. The creating a safe and secure environment for workers.

HSE stands for Health, Safety, and Environment

EHS stands for Environment, Health, and Safety

In the industry and construction sites.
All multinational and well-known companies have HSE departments. All construction companies have a department. However, some companies hire a department for a specific site or a project. HSE is not a parament with a construction company.

Difference between HSE and EHS.

EHS is a department in the industry that deals with working in a safe and secure environment for workers. And workers’ health issues and the safety of workers.  EHS is a department of industry or a multinational company. EHS is a permanent department. And work on the Environment, health, and safety of workers. 

Organizations and Government Works on HSE and EHS

Duties of Safety Departments

QHSE (Quality, Health, Safety, and Environment)

Quality, health, safety, and environment. QHSE (Quality, Health, Safety, and Environment) is a comprehensive management system that focuses on ensuring the quality of products/services, protecting employee health and safety, and minimizing environmental impact. It involves policies, procedures, and continuous improvement efforts to enhance overall organizational performance while maintaining ethical and sustainable practices.

HSEQ, (Health, Safety, Environment, and Quality)

HSEQ, which stands for Health, Safety, Environment, and Quality, is an integrated management approach that prioritizes the well-being of employees, environmental sustainability, product/service quality, and safety standards within an organization. It encompasses policies, processes, and continual improvements to achieve excellence across these critical areas.

HSSE (Health, safety, security, and environment)

Health, safety, security, and environment. HSSE, an acronym for Health, Safety, Security, and Environment, represents a holistic approach to managing risks and responsibilities within organizations. It encompasses safeguarding employee well-being, ensuring safety and security, protecting the environment, and maintaining compliance. HSSE programs aim to create a culture of responsibility and sustainability in the workplace.

Duties of employees about PPE.

The EHS and HSE also place the following duties on employees before start work.

1. PPE must be worn and use the instructions provided to them.
2. Employees must ensure that PPE is returned to the provided accommodation after use. Unless the employee takes the PPE away from the workplace, footwear, or clothing.
3. PPE should be returned to the appropriate storage unit (if applicable). After use unless the employee takes their PPE home, for example, footwear or clothing.
4. PPE must be examined before use.
5. Any loss or obvious defect must be immediately reported to their line manager.
6. Employees must take reasonable care of any PPE provided to them. And not carry out any maintenance unless trained and authorized.

Responsibilities of ERT members during an emergency.

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EHS Policies and Audits

Lock Out Tag Out Procedures for Industrial Safety

lock out tag out kit

What is the Lock Out and Tag out (LOTO)?

Lock out tag out (LOTO) is a procedure, that applies to the machine before starting maintenance on the machine. in this procedure, cut off or close all power sources and hang relevant instruction tags on all power sources to make the machine safe for maintenance and engineering work.

As you can understand, lock-out and tag-out are two words. If the equipment is locked at a close position it means Lock-out. Anyone can’t change the position of this equipment without the key. Second, hang the instruction tag at the lock. Instruction shows why locked this equipment and anyone can’t try to change the position of this equipment. Tag-out warnings to employees not to use this equipment.

Importance of Lockout Tag-out

When mechanics work at the machine they shut off the machine they do not lock out and tag out the machine. In this case, other people who don’t know about mechanics activity at the machine. They switch on the machine this is very dangerous for mechanics. A safety process is very necessary to prevent incidents like this.

Permit to lock out tag out

Work Permit Template

Logo and Title
Company Logo and Company Title with the type of permit placed at the top.

Management Section
They are mostly managed by the cooperation of engineering and production management.

Power Sources and Safety Checklist
A safety supervisor checks and ensures the lock of all power sources and tags all locks.

Deputy Worker
This section is only related to Engineering Management. A supervisor checks and signs it.

Extension of Permit Date Engineering management fills this section if maintenance is not completed. In case of any reason. The extension date, time, and reason should be mentioned on it.

Permit Completion Maintenence supervisor checks the maintenance and signs after the permit

Important Note: Permit filling name is temporary not expected name. If any name matches the actual name I apologize.

LOTO kit

Procedure / Training

  1. Prepare for shutdown or maintenance
    • First, inform the machine or device-related department like processing, boarding, or finishing. Manage maintenance time and date with the supervision authority of this department.
  2. Notify all employees of the activities and equipment involved.
    • Notify all employees about machine or equipment maintenance or shutdown. Inform about the date and time. Because any worker doesn’t start the machine during maintenance. This is very important for the safety of workers and machines.
  3. Shut down the equipment.
    • Shut off the power of the machine and all power sources. Shut off the main electric breaker, close the steam inlet valve, close the compressed air valve, and close the water inlet valve.
  4. Isolate the equipment from the hazardous energy source.
    • Close all energy sources of the machine or equipment.
      • 1. Electrical power
      • 2. Mechanical Power
      • 3. Steam power
      • 4. Compressed air
      • 5. Hydraulic power
  5. Dissipate residual energy.
    • Dissipate residual energy like steam and compressed air stored in pipes, tanks, and heat exchangers.
  6. Apply applicable lockouts or tagout devices.
    • Properly lock out all valves and devices after closing them. And tag them with related information tags.
  1. Electrical Power
  2. Mechanical Power
  3. Steam Power
  4. Pneumatic Power
  5. Chemical Power

1. Electrical Power lock

Shut off the electrical breaker then insert the lock device pin through the breaker’s body hole and breaker’s knob hole. If the device controls the knob motion then you should lock the device with a padlock.

electric breaker off and then locked

2. Mechanical Power

Mechanical power means the motion of the flywheel, gearbox, and stored power. Stored power can cause the reason for the movement of machine parts. ensure that the machine stops before starting work.

flywheel with mechanical power

3. Steam Power

Steam power is also a very dangerous power source. For the main steam line, mostly use the globe valve for the steam connection. Close the steam power valve gently. Fit the globe valve cover device and lock the device. The device’s sides have holes for the padlock rod.

globe valve lock out tag out

4. Pneumatic Power

If Ball valves or any other type of valve is used in the pneumatic line. Close the valve. Subsequently, close the device at the handle of the ball valve at a valve close position. The device controls the movement of the valve handle. then lock this device and hang a tag at the lock.

ball valve lock out tag out

5. Chemical Power

Chemical power is only used in a specific type of machine. The machines which have dye, bleach, wash, and chemical processes use chemical power. Close the valve of the chemical line, lock it out and tag it. Ball valves are used in chemical lines.

Close Water Supply

A butterfly valve or any other type of valve first closes the valve. During the lock-out and tag-out process, close the main supply line of water. The butterfly lock-out device is the same as the ball valve lock-out device.

Lock out Tag out locks

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Maintenance Work Order with downloadable templates.

A work order is a form of work procedure structure, parts, and accessories used during this work. In this form, a task or job that needs to be work. This form records the maintenance of the machine in the industry and works at the site in construction.

A Maintenance Work Order is a formal document or digital record used to initiate, document, and track the maintenance, repair, or servicing of equipment, facilities, or infrastructure. It serves as a communication tool between different departments, such as operations, maintenance teams, and management. To ensure that maintenance tasks are completed efficiently and systematically.

Maintenance of the machine and installation of the new machine in the production system. Work on equipment with details of checkable points and work procedures. This is a strong example of a work order.

In these examples, everything is preplanned and the work order is a preplanned document to perform these works.

You can divide this form into different sections for understanding and effective use. As shown in this image, all sections are necessary and important to make this an effective template document that fulfills your needs which you want to mention on it. The maintenance forms are downloadable and printable.

sections of the work order form
Work Order Division in Sections

This section is only about the nature of the work: This section has the type of maintenance and nature of the work.

Schedule Date and Time: The timeline for when the work should be performed. Work Order Number is a unique identifier for tracking and reference. Requestor information is the person or department requesting the work. This Section is designed for the cooperation of both the production and engineering departments.

Equipment or Location Details: Specifies where the maintenance is to be performed or which asset needs attention.
The department where the machine is installed or work to be done like the production department.
The department which needs to work on machines like Electrical and Mechanical.

Priority Level: Indicates urgency (e.g., low, medium, high).

This section is about how Deputed Workers are only dependent on Engineering Management. Assigned personnel: to the technicians or teams responsible for completing the task. The person in charge of the department knows the ability of the worker who works under his supervision. In charge deputed the task-related skilled worker for completion of the task.

Before starting work check the power sources and cut them off. Ensure the engineering management person cuts off all power sources before beginning work.

This section is about safety checks in the form of PPEs. The EHS department checked the list of PPEs (Personal Protective Equipment) used during the completion of the task.

This section is about machine parts that need to be checked. The description of the Task is a detailed explanation of the maintenance work needed. Details and description of all work in case of checklist one by one checking and fault rectification is the duty of deputed worker.

The workers completed the task after checking all the mentioned points in the work detail section. They know about the condition and faults of each part. They should write the details about work done in feedback for the next work plan and keep the record.

After completing the task, seniors check it and make a signature on the form. Completion Status: A field to document progress or mark the task as completed. Approval Section: Signatures or digital approvals from supervisors or managers.

Some templates include this section for better and more effective communication. Materials and Tools Required: Any parts, supplies, or equipment needed for the job. This section of the spare parts store records spare parts consumed during the completion of the work.
Like machine parts that changed due to being out of order or rusty issued from spare parts store.

industry type in this document.

1. According to Time

  1. Daily Work Order
  2. Weekly Work Order
  3. Monthly Work Order
  4. Yearly Work Order

2. According to Job

  1. Fulltime
  2. Part-Time
  3. Casual
  4. Fixed-term contract
  5. Apprenticeship
  6. Traineeship
  7. Internship

3. According to Need

  1. Corrective Maintenance Work Order
  2. Preventive Maintenance Work Order
  3. Fortnightly Maintenance Work Order


The purpose of this form is to manage the work with the cooperation of different departments. Work orders are effective for these points.

  1. Ensures clarity in communication and task delegation.
  2. Tracks the history of maintenance activities.
  3. Enhances resource planning (tools, personnel, and materials).
  4. Improves asset reliability and minimizes downtime.
  5. Provides documentation for compliance and audits.

Maintenance Work Order Template

Here are some Maintenance Work Order samples that you can easily download and print for your further use.

Here are some templates you can design for yourself. And use them in your work routine in industry and construction work. This is the printable maintenance work order.

You can download these Templates by clicking on the download button.

Based on your industry, site, and work conditions, you can design this form for effective use. When you design a work order form for your desired work, you should know everything about your work.

The management of this form is the only duty of the Engineering Department to make it the record of work. So much software on the market to manage this type of form. Some companies have their own ERP system to manage these works and keep the records.

Here are some differences between work orders and a work permit although both documents are part of the Lock Out Tagout work procedure.

Work OrderWork Permit
This document is part of the Lock out Tag out work procedureThis document is also part of the lockout tagout work procedure
Work orders are decided after cooperation with the production departmentWork permit decided by the on-duty responsible engineering person
Work order is an earlier step to workThe work permit is a post-step to work
A work order is a document that authorizes and details a specific task or set of tasks to be completed. It is essentially an instruction or request for work to be carried out.A work permit is a document that grants permission to perform a specific type of work, especially when it involves potential hazards or requires adherence to strict safety regulations.
It is used for routine maintenance, repair jobs, installation, or any task that needs to be tracked and managed.This includes details such as the nature of the work, location, potential hazards, safety measures, required protective equipment, emergency procedures, and the duration for which the permit is valid.
Includes details like the nature of the work, location, time frame, materials needed, labor requirements, and any special instructions or specificationsIncludes details like the nature of the work, location, potential hazards, safety measures, protective equipment required, emergency procedures, and the duration for which the permit is valid.
Issued internally within a company by a manager or supervisor to a technician, maintenance team, or service provider.Issued by a safety officer, site manager, or any authorized personnel responsible for overseeing safety compliance.

Organizations often use Computerized Maintenance Management Systems (CMMS) to create, manage, and store work orders electronically for improved efficiency and tracking.

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