Fuel and Flammable NFPA Diamonds

Fuels and Flammables NFPA diamonds. Oils and Lubricants.

Fuel and flammable NFPA diamonds are at high risk of fire as compared to other risks. materials like petroleum products and lubricants are highly flammable because their fire risks are very high. Here are some fuel and flammable NFPA diamonds with Hazard Rating. These NFPA diamonds are commonly used with GHS hazard pictograms in fuel tanks, … Read more

The Best Safety Shoes

The best safety shoes with icons of qualities.

What is a safety shoe?

Shoes that protect our feet from hazards of dropped objects, slipping and sharp edge objects are called the best safety shoes. Safety shoes are an essential part of PPE (Personal Protective Equipment).

Qualities of Safety Shoes

  • With Comfortable footbed
  • Ultimate shock absorption
  • Protective Toe cap
  • Puncture Resistance
  • European or ASTM standards
  • Slip Resistance

With Comfortable footbed

The comfortable footbed should be developed with an exceptional performance structure of safety shoes. Safety shoes must be comfortable during maintenance work and hard work. The shoes should be designed to be light in weight, have air breath ports, and be comfortable all day long.      

Ultimate shock absorption

The quality of shock absorption protects the feet from the impact of the jumps. The quality of shock absorption protects the feet from the impact of the jumps. For this purpose, a cushioned and comfortable footbed is essential in safety shoes.

Protective Toe cap

A protective toe cap of safety shoes should be made according to European or ASTM standards. It protects the feet from impact regardless of the material. It also protects the feet from fallen objects at feet.

  1. Steel Toe cap
    • Steel toe caps are naturally stronger than composite or other material toe caps.
  2. Composite toe cap
    • Composite toe caps are lighter than steel toe caps. It reduces stress and fatigue on the legs and joints throughout a long workday.
  3. Nanocarbon toe cap
    • Nanocarbon toe caps are thinner and lighter than composite toe caps. Therefore this is a solution for the thicker and bulkier composite toe caps.
      • Composite and nanocarbon toe caps are also metal-free and practical when working in an electrical hazardous environment. It is also suitable for work on metal detectors such as courts, banks, and airports.
  4. Layer as conductor
    • A thinner layer should be used in the sole of the safety shoes to reach the same strength as a composite toe. It should be used as a conductor of cold, heat, and electricity.
  5. With Self-cleaning outside

Puncture Resistance

A steel layer must used in midsoles from toe to heel. The steel layer prevents the shoe’s puncture. It protects feet from sharp edge objects entering through the sole that can cause injury to feet.

Slip Resistance

Slipping resistance is very essential quality in industrial footwear. Slipping resistance soles must tested on a ceramic tile wetted with a dilute soap solution. It should also tested on a smooth steel with glycerol. If the safety shoes pass these tests that’s why we should consider them safe safety shoes.

European or ASTM standards

European Standards Safety Shoes

These standards are important for manufacturers, employers, and consumers. To ensure the quality safety footwear for every workplace condition.

  1. EN ISO 20345:2011:
    • This standard specifies basic requirements for safety footwear. It covers features of safety shoes toe protection, impact of objects, compression, and essential safety criteria.
  2. EN ISO 20347:2012:
    • Focusing on occupational footwear, this standard sets requirements for comfort, durability, and other performance aspects.
  3. EN ISO 20346:2014:
    • Similar to EN ISO 20345, this standard pertains to protective footwear. It focuses on increased resistance to penetration. It also covers a higher level of protection for the metatarsal area.

ASTM International Standards

  1. ASTM F2412-18 and F2413-18:
    • These standards cover the performance requirements for various types of safety shoes.
      • ASTM F2412 addresses testing methods for foot protection.
      • ASTM F2413 specifies the minimum performance criteria for the safety of footwear’s toe.
  2. ASTM F2892-18:
    • This standard covers non-metallic safety toe-protective footwear. It specifies requirements for design, performance, and all types of testing.
  3. ASTM F2412-18 and F2413-18 Metatarsal Guards:
    • ASTM standards ASTM F2412-18 and F2413-18 about specific metatarsal guards used in safety footwear. These standards address the performance and testing of safety footwear metatarsal protection.
  4. ASTM F1117-03(2017):
    • This standard provides guidelines for selecting footwear according to the workplace.

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Golden safety rules for construction site workers

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10 golden safety rules were introduced for construction site workers by HSE.

  1. Always wear PPE (personal protective equipment) at the site. Always select appropriate PPEs according to task specifications or as required by the job safety analysis.
  2. When boarding or leaving a barge, a vessel, or a platform always use appropriate equipment like a personal basket, pilot ladder, boat landing, or gangway.
  3. Be careful and active when walking and standing. Never walk or stand under a suspended load.
  4. Never work at the site or drive any equipment or machine, under the influence of alcohol or drugs.
  5. Don’t smoke outside of dedicated areas or fire-risk places. Always smoke at a specific smoking place.
  6. Don’t work at height without a safety harness. Always use collective protective equipment like guard rails, safety nets, etc.
  7. Report immediately to your supervisor or site in charge of any incident, accident, or near-miss.
  8. Make sure that the power supply of equipment has been cut off. which you want to manipulate for maintenance, repair, or modification.
  9. Do not remove or bypass barricades from the site or machine guarding. If you are not authorized so don’t enter a prohibited signalized area.
  10. Don’t enter a confined space or excavation area without atmosphere control and protection equipment.

Importance of safety rules for workers

  1. Worker’s satisfaction and interest during work.
  2. Control over any incident and accident about the worker.
  3. Create awareness about PPEs in workers.
  4. Inform workers about different situations and hazards.
  5. Realize the importance of the safety of body parts and lives.
  6. Creating activeness in workers for situational responsibilities.
  7. To create a better safe environment at the site.
  8. Increase worker’s information about confined spaces and excavation areas.
  9. Give awareness to workers about alcohol and drugs’ bad effects during work at the site.
  10. Instructions to workers about ladders when they board or leave the work platform.

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