Workers Management Council (WMC)

what is a Worker Management Council? A Workers’ Management Council (WMC) is a team of workers that work for the betterment of workers. The team members of this council are selected from different departments by election. This team perform as a bridge between workers and management. This council is responsible for making decisions related to … Read more

7 Types of workplace hazards with detail

What is Hazard? A hazard is any source that has enough potential can cause harm, damage, or adverse health effects on individuals, property, or the environment. Hazards can arise from various sources and take many forms, depending on the context. Hazards are not the same as risks. Risk refers to the likelihood of the hazard … Read more

ANSI industrial safety standards

There are some important ANSI Industrial Safety Standards. What is ANSI? The ANSI (American National Standards Institute) is an organization that supports the development of technology standards in the United States and all over the world. The ANSI promotes safety precautions in industries. ANSI industrial safety standards show that these standards are about safety in … Read more

EMS emergency management system

There are 6 steps in the EMS emergency management system. The steps are Prevention, Mitigation, Preparedness, Response, Recovery, and Record. Make a slogan of industrial safety solutions and industrial environment safety. 1. Prevention 1. Awareness Creating awareness in workers about safety and self-protection from hazards at the workplace is necessary to control incidents. For this … Read more

EHS Policy

EHS Policy Some companies show their policies about the worker’s health and safety, which is assigned as EHS policy. Firstly these policies helped the industrialists to maintain the relationship between a customer and international standards. ☆ The company will make all decisions to improve rules and regulations and reduce hazards related to EHS. The company … Read more

Emergency Evacuation Procedures for Buildings

Introduction to Evacuation The immediate escape of people away from an area that contains hazards like fire, earthquake, or accidents to lives or property is called evacuation from the building. Evacuation from a building is a critical procedure. The purpose of evacuation policy is to ensure the safety of individuals in the event of an … Read more