Dealing with Fall Injuries

a man fall from height

Fall injuries result in damage to muscles, bone fractures, spinal injury, and serious head injury and it can cause serious disability or death. Dealing with fall Injuries immediately is very necessary because it can be a big loss for victims. Causes of fall Injuries Difficulties and Germs Know the Victim’s Situation First Aid Procedure Transfer … Read more

External Bleeding

First aid procedure in case of wound

Continuously bleeding from an injured area or wound is external bleeding. First aid for external bleeding is very necessary for the life of the patient. 1. Use Protection for yourself. Your safety should always come first before starting first aid. Check for any hazards before approaching the victim. Use gloves as a protective barrier for … Read more

AED (Automated External Defibrillator)

What is AED? An AED (Automated External Defibrillator), or an AED, is an electro-medical device. This device primarily delivers electrical shocks to a person who has suffered a cardiac arrest. A cardiac arrest situation occurs when a person’s heart stops suddenly. There are two kinds of AED semi-automatic and automatic. How AED (Automated External Defibrillator) … Read more

CPR and defibrillation.

Here are some important steps to follow in the safe CPR and defibrillation procedure. What is CPR? CPR stands for Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation is an emergency lifesaving procedure. CPR is performed when the heart stops beating. What is defibrillation? Defibrillators are electromedical devices. It is used to apply an electric charge or current to the heart. … Read more

Symptoms of the injured artery.

Blood sample for altery test

Identifying the symptoms of the injured artery is essential for prompt and appropriate medical treatment. What is an artery? Arteries are blood vessels in the human body that carry oxygenated blood from the heart to various parts of the body. Importance Bleeding from an artery can be a serious and life-threatening medical emergency. Symptoms of … Read more


a worker in Unconsciousness situation in warehouse

Suddenly nervous weakness due to any incident that has a huge effect on the mind that causes go to unconsciousness. In this case, the patient goes to light drowsiness and or goes to the next stage which is complete unconsciousness. Even this can cause the death of the patient. Causes of Unconsciousness Symptoms First Aid … Read more

Electric shock.

electric transformer with sign of electric shock

Treatment for electric shock. 1. Evaluate Potential Dangers A. Your first action. B. Safeguard yourself. Keep 25 meters from high voltage electricity until power is turned off by authorities. For low voltage, turn off mains power. Ensure power sources are ‘off’ before attending to the victim if the patient collapses due to an electric shock. … Read more