Computer Users Health

Most people who work in offices, banks, software houses, and online use computers continuously this post “Computer Users Health” can help them maintain their health.

Remember Some Rules.

  1. Working with a computer can be detrimental to your mental and physical health.
  2. Factors that can affect your health include;
    • Sitting for long periods.
    • Staring at the computer monitor.
    • Constant repetitive movement.
  3. If you use a computer at work or at home regularly, it means that you are at risk.
  4. You can avoid these risks by making effective adjustments to how you work.

Caring for Your Eyes

Staring for too long a time at the computer’s monitor can lead to problems with your eyesight.

  1. Cover your eyes periodically to give them a break and rest.
  2. Shift your eyes’ focus to an object that is more distant than the computer monitor.
  3. Hold that focus on the object for 10 seconds. Repeat the process three times, and do it after each hour of work.
  4. Roll your eyes clockwise and anti-clockwise three times to make them relax.
  5. For your eyes examined regularly visit your doctor or optician.

Proper lighting

  1. Use an anti-glare filter or glass on your screen.
  2. If possible, dim the room by closing the blinds or using dim light.
  3. You should have adequate proper light when dealing with any paper or document work.
  4. Keep your computer screen neat and clean.

Sit Comfortably before the computer.

  1. Sitting in a good posture chair when sitting for long periods is extremely important.
  2. You should keep your head, spine, and shoulders in the upright position.
  3. Shift your position from time to time during computer work.
  4. Use a chair that has five casters to ensure better support and safety.

Support Your Wrist and Feet.

  1. Use a foam support while using the mouse to ease the strain on your wrists.
  2. Use the same place level of the mouse and the keyboard while using them.
  3. Use a footrest or support to maintain a good position.

Take Regular Breaks

Breaks are very important for computer users health.

  1. You should take a short break every two hours.
  2. Walk around, do other work, or perform exercises, Exercises are very necessary for computer user’s health.
    • Exercise your head and neck by holding the bottom of your chair with one hand.
    • Letting your ear drop to your shoulder, and leaning in the opposite direction for the exercise of neck.
    • Roll your shoulders forward and backward.
    • You should use wide movements.
    • Repeat it several times.
    • To stretch your upper backbone, raise your hands and keep them at shoulder level.
    • Keep your elbows down and push back your shoulders with force.
    • Repeat the movement five times.
    • To exercise your lower back, stand up and reach your hands to the roof.
    • Turn your palms face to each other. Lean back your upper body as far as you can, and push your hips forward.
    • Pull back your fingers for your wrist exercise. Do this several times.
    • Make a tight fist and then spread your fingers as far as they can go in your hand exercise.
    • Repeat this exercise several times.

Computer Users Health Awareness

A catalog, a Book, or a poster about computer user safety precautions and health should be divided among the workers.

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