CPR and defibrillation.

Here are some important steps to follow in the safe CPR and defibrillation procedure.

  • Check the presence of Hazards.
  • Try to get a response from the patient.
  • Call for Help nearest help center.
  • Check the Breathing and observe it.
  • Check the Airway and remove obstruct.
  • Start performing CPR.
  • Start Performing defibrillation.

What is CPR?

CPR stands for Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation is an emergency lifesaving procedure. CPR is performed when the heart stops beating.

What is defibrillation?

Defibrillators are electromedical devices. It is used to apply an electric charge or current to the heart. To restore a normal heartbeat when suddenly or potentially fatal abnormal heart rhythm. For details about defibrillation read this

☟ Disclaimer

The information and knowledge in this post are not a substitute for proper first-aid training.

1. Check the presence of Hazards.

Firstly check hazards to the patient, and yourself and neutralize these hazards before treating the patient. If there are any hazards shift the patient to the nearest safe place.

  • Falling objects from the height.
  • Incoming traffic in case of road.
  • Fire and Fumes in case of a fire emergency.
  • Electricity in case of electric shock.
  • Spilled chemicals.

2. Try to get a response from the patient.

  1. Check whether the patient is conscious or unconscious.
  2. Ask the patient to open their eyes. Call their name (if you know).
  3. Firmly squeeze the patient’s shoulders and ask the patient to move his hand.
  4. Do not make unnecessary moves to the patient unless there is a hazard that may cause further harm.

3. Call for Help the nearest help center.

  1. You should call local emergency services immediately
  2. Ask someone with you, or a bystander, to call for help while you are busy to get a response from the patient. If you are alone, stay with the patient and call emergency services yourself.
  3. Be ready to provide correct information regarding your location and the incident.

4. Check the Breathing and observe it.

  1. Look at the patient’s chest – is it rising and falling?
  2. Listen for breathing – place your ear near the patient’s face.
  3. Feel the breathing of the patient by placing your one hand on the stomach of the patient and placing your ears beside their mouth and nose.

☂ If the patient is breathing put him into a recovery position. ☂ If the Patient is not breathing then you can start doing CPR (Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation) and defibrillation.

5. Check the Airway and remove obstruct.

  1. Check the airway of an unresponsive patient.
  2. Open the patient’s mouth and find obstructions in the airway without tilting the head back.
  3. If there is any obstruction or fluid in the airway roll the patient into the recovery position and clear the mouth and airway.
  4. Check breathing while the patient is lying in a normal position.

Start CPR and defibrillation

6. Start performing CPR.

  1. Lay the patient on a flat surface and place the patient’s back on a firm, flat surface.
  2. Kneel near the body of the patient so that you are 90 degrees to the patient’s upper body with your knees shoulder-width apart.
  3. Place your hands, one atop the other, on the patient’s sternum (center of chest). Compress chest 1/3 depth, at a rate of approx 100 – 120 compressions per minute.
  4. After 30 number of compressions open the patient’s mouth and tilt the head back to open the airway.
  5. Use a face shield/pocket mask/handkerchief and blow in the patient’s mouth. Look if the chest rises so stop and then repeat for 2nd breath.
  6. Continue the cycle of 30 compressions into two breaths. The ratio is (30:2).
  7. If unable to perform the rescue of the breaths, perform continuous chest compression CPR only, until help arrives.
  8. Continue performing CPR until help arrives or the patient shows signs of response.

7. Start Performing defibrillation.

  1. Firstly turn on the AED device and follow the prompts and instructions.
  2. Prepare the patient by removing clothing from the chest. Dry the patient’s chest if wet. Remove jewelry.
  3. Place defibrillator pads on the patient’s chest. The placement is one above the right breast and the other below the left breast.
  4. Continue CPR until the AED device advises to stop.
  5. Make sure no one is touching the patient while the AED device is analyzing the patient’s heart rhythm.
  6. If no shock is advised from AED then check for breathing before continuing CPR.
  7. If shock is advised, ensure no one is touching the patient. Deliver shock when instructed by an AED device.
  8. Resume CPR when instructed so by AED and follow prompts.
  9. If the patient begins to breathe normally. place the patient in a recovery position. Re-check the airway and breathing, after every 2 minutes continuously for some time.
  10. Leave AED pads on the patient until medical aid arrives.
  11. Monitor patient and document.
  1. Without defibrillation, the chances of survival decrease by about 10% after each minute that passes.
  2. An AED device can be used by an untrained person. Each AED device is equipped with step-by-step instructions and prompts.

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