Drinking Water

Drinking Water Report

Water is very important for life that’s why ensure that you drink water is a drinking water or enable to drink.

Pure water better life

Water is very important and essential for human life. We can say safe water if have these qualities.

  1. Aesthetically acceptable
  2. Radioactive elements absent
  3. Chemically safe
  4. Free from bacteria
  5. Organic substances absent

Impure Water Bed effects


  1. Colored water is not acceptable for drinking (Aesthetic as well as toxicity reasons)
  2. Aesthetically not acceptable and Palatability decreases
  3. Health-related problems
    • Affect the mucous membrane
    • Gastrointestinal irritation
    • Dental and skeletal fluorosis
    • Methemoglobinemia
  4. Encrustation in water supply structure
  5. Adverse effects on domestic use
  6. Eutrophication of the waterbody
  7. Taste, discoloration, and corrosion of pipes fittings, and utensils
  8. Promotes iron bacteria
  9. Corrosion in the water supply system
  10. Carcinogenic effect
  11. Toxic effect
  12. Formation of chlorophenols with
  13. Chlorine
  14. Imparts unpleasant taste and odour after chlorination
  15. Water-borne diseases

Constituents Responsible

  • Clay, Silt, Humus, Colour
  • pH
  • Hardness, TDS, Ca, Mg, SO4
  • Fluoride
  • Nitrate
  • Hardness, TDS
  • Ca, Mg, Cl
  • Zoo & Phyto, Phosphate, Nitrate
  • Iron, Mn, Cu, Zn, Alkalinity
  • Fe & Mn
  • pH, Cl
  • Cr, As
  • Cd, Pb, Hg
  • Phenols
  • Oil & grease
  • Bacteria & viruses

Drinking Water benefits for the human body

  • carrying nutrients and oxygen to your cells
  • flushing bacteria from your bladder
  • aiding digestion
  • preventing constipation
  • normalizing blood pressure
  • cushioning joints
  • protecting organs and tissues
  • regulating body temperature
  • maintaining electrolyte (sodium) balance.

Water Report

Possible drinking water chemical report. Direct deep well water sample chemical reports the water can be drunk by humans or animals.

for drinking water
for drinking water
pH6.5-8.5Zinc (mg/l)5
OdorLead (mg/l)<0.05
TasteBoron (mg/l)0.3
TDS (mg/l)<1000Nickle (mg/l)<0.02
Color (TCU)<15 TCUCopper (mg/l)2
Nitrite (mg/l)<3Barium (mg/l)0.7
Nitrate (mg/l)<50Arsenic (mg/l)<0.05
Phenol (mg/l)NGCyanide (mg/l)<0.05
Fluride (mg/l)<1.5Mercury (mg/l)<0.001
Selenium (mg/l)0.01Chloride (mg/l)0.2-0.5
Chloride (mg/l)<250Cadmium (mg/l)0.01
Turbidity (NTU)<5 NTUChromium (mg/l)<0.05
Aluminium (mg/l)<0.2Manganese (mg/l)<0.5
Antimony (mg/l)<0.005Fecal ColiformNG
Total Hardness (mg/l)<500E.coli (efu/100ml)0(efu/100ml)

This possible water chemical report maybe not the same as other area

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