Emergency Response Team (ERT)

Introduction of Emergency Response Team (ERT)

ERT (Emergency Response Team) This team is assigned and trained by the EHS department. The EHS department chooses the 3-worker from each department in each shift. One worker trained as a firefighter another as a floor warden and a third as the first aider. These workers are trained for emergencies at any time.

Example for understanding

Boarding / Finishing department

Shift (A) 1st Worker Fire Fighter, 2nd Worker First Aider, and third Worker Floor Warden and Duty time 06:00 to 14:00.

Shift (B) 1st Worker Fire Fighter,2nd Worker First Aider, and third Worker Floor Warden and Duty time 14:00 to 22:00.

Shift (C) 1st Worker Fire Fighter, 2nd Worker First Aider, and third Worker Floor Warden and Duty time 22:00 to 06:00.

This setting covers 24 hours of duty time

Responsability of ERT team during emergency

The goals of ERT (Emergency Response Team) are. They coordinate with workers and each other during the emergency to control the emergency and save lives. They inform the safety officer and evacuation coordinator about the situation. Also, they coordinate response efforts, delegate action tasks, and ensure a cohesive approach and goal-oriented efforts. For example, in a fire emergency, the firefighter would assess the situation and start the process to control the fire. The floor warden starts evacuation efforts and coordinates with needy and disabled people for a safe evacuation process. The first-aider coordinates with the firefighter and floor warden during fire fighting and the evacuation process. The companies train their ERT members at the base of the emergency management system.

ERT Members

According to the emergency, trained persons perform specific duties during an emergency, they are the members of ERT. Like first-aider, floor warden, and firefighter.

  • He should know about the place of the first aid box in the department.
  • He ensured all the necessary items used during first aid were in the box.
  • He should know about first aid CPR’s complete procedure.
  • He should take first aid and CPR during an emergency.
  • He should wear gloves before giving first aid.
  • He should call the ambulance in a high emergency.
  • He should inform emergency, accident, and injury to the company medical officer and shift in charge.
  • He should always wear a green reflector jacket during work.
  • He should know about the place of fire extinguishers and hose reels in the department and floor.
  • He should know how the operate the fire extinguisher and operate it in an emergency.
  • According to the type of fire he can use a fire extinguisher.
  • In an emergency, he should press MCP and inform to the EHS department.
  • He should help the EHS department to operate the fire hydrant system in an emergency.
  • He should always wear a red reflector jacket during work.
  • He should know about ways, emergency ways, fire alarms,s and all items related to the EHS department.
  • Ezalz marking, normal exit, and emergency exit ensured clear no restriction.
  • He should know about the people who need help, He helps them in emergencies.
  • He should press the fire alarm and inform the EHS department about the emergency.
  • He should lead all people working in the department to the assembly point in case of emergency. And count all the people.
  • He should inform the emergency coordinator about missing during an emergency.
  • He should note all unsafe work in the department.

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