First aid treatment for burn

There are many reasons for burning like fire, electricity, boiling water or oil, friction, chemicals, and acids. First aid training in “first aid treatment for burn” is very necessary. The victim suffers severe pain in case of serious burns and skin red. It can cause shock. Germ diseases can be dangerous in this situation.

Burn Classifications and Degrees

  1. Superficial or First Degree: Reddening of skin on the affected area. Swelling and localized pain. But no wound on the affected area.
  2. Partial thickness or Second Degree: The affected area suffers from reddening, swelling, and blistering of skin or combination. Clear fluid seeps from blisters if burst, and localized severe pain.
  3. Full thickness or Third Degree: Skin looks pitted and charred. The skin becomes weak and surrounding the affected area looks wax-like. Blisters will form and clear fluid will leak from the affected area and the affected area becomes wound. Victims may not feel any pain if the nerve endings are damaged.

Burn Severity

The severity of a burn injury depends on the part of the body that is affected. And the damage caused by the burn for reference, 1% of the body’s skin surface is equal to the palm.

In the following cases should be referred to a hospital:

  1. Superficial burns affecting 5% of the body surface.
  2. Partial thickness burns that affect 1% of the body surface.

First aid treatment for burn

1. Evaluate Potential Dangers

Make sure you have neutralized all hazards before you start to treat a burn victim. When you reach the victim, check for a response for the victim’s condition.

2. Treatment of Burns

  1. If the victim is conscious, reassure the victim and calm him.
  2. Cool the burn area with cool running water for up to 20 mins. Repeat cooling if necessary. Don’t use ice.
  3. Call for medical assistance at your local first aid or medical facility immediately.
  4. Remove necessary clothing around the area of the burn unless sticking to the skin. If able, remove any restricted items such as jewelry, bracelets, etc.
  5. Apply non-adhesive, non-fluffy, and wet sterile material dressing. Don’t use dry dressing directly.
  6. Don’t burst blisters or remove damaged skin. Don’t use ointments or fats such as butter at the burn area.

3. Dealing with Chemical Burns

First-aid treatment for burns is also applied for chemical burns.

  1. Note: the majority of chemical burns occur after physical contact with chemicals.
  2. Flush the affected area with cool running water for 20 minutes.
  3. Make sure there is no chemical in the affected area.
  4. Remove contaminated Clothing from the affected area. if it does not cling to the affected skin.
  5. Check the MSDS or SDS sheet for chemical behavior. Call for medical assistance and tell them what type of chemical reaction.

4. Applying Dressing to Burn Skin

  1. Apply non-adhesive, non-fluffy sterile dressings after the burns have cooled down.
  2. Dressings that are Soaked in water-based gel, may be used to minimize infection.
  3. If necessary, dressings can be improvised.

5. Burning Clothes

  1. If the victim’s clothing is on fire, his airway will be at risk.
  2. Try to let down the victim on the ground then follow stop, drop, and roll to put out the flames.
  3. If available, use the fire blanket to extinguish flames. Start rolling the blanket from the victim’s head to his feet.
  4. Cool the burned area with cool running water and then cover the burned area when cooled.
  5. Call for medical assistance and reassure the victim to document the incident.

6. Dealing with Complicated Burns

  1. Fumes that affect the airway are very serious. Inhalation in fumes is life-threatening, call emergency services immediately.
  2. Fumes affect the lungs and related areas. This requires immediate medical attention.
  3. A light burn affects the skin surrounding a part of the body. As the swelling increases, it can restrict blood circulation.

☟ Disclaimer

The information and knowledge in this post are not a substitute for proper first-aid training.

For more details about first aid treatment

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