Hepatitis B and C

What is hepatitis?

A common liver disease that is found all over the world. There are many types of hepatitis but the most lethal/dangerous are hepatitis B and C. The types of hepatitis are, hepatitis A, B, C, D, E, etc.

Hepatitis A

The hepatitis A virus(A virus is an infectious agent of small size and simple composition) entered our body, with a mix of eatable and drinkable items through the feeding tube. This virus is not lethal/dangerous. Because after some days swell on the liver is removed by normal treatment. In this case, hepatitis appears and is recovered automatically.

Hepatitis B and C

Hepatitis B is the 10th most lethal disease and cause of death all over the world. The virus of hepatitis B is 100 times more dangerous than AIDS. The population of all over the world is more than 6 billion in about 2 billion people are victims of hepatitis B. In the world about every 12th person is a victim of this virus. 75 percent of victims of this virus are related to the Asia region. This virus mostly affects 20 to 30-year-old persons. Hepatitis C is also called the silent killer. Because the patient looks healthy within 10 to 20 years after testing positive for this virus. Even some patients are also don’t feel the symptoms of this disease.


In normal situations, the patient does not feel the symptoms of this virus that’s why this virus is called a silent killer. If the symptoms appear the common symptoms are:

  1. Feeling sick/laziness in daily routine work.
  2. The patient does not feel starved.
  3. lost weight issue common in patients.
  4. Vomiting and nausea are often.
  5. Pain in abdomen and chest.
  6. The patient feels often a fever.
  7. Arthritis and Jadedness are common symptoms.
  8. Sleep disturbance.

When the liver shrinks and stops functioning these symptoms appear commonly. These symptoms appear at the last stage.

  1. Feet and other body parts Swelling.
  2. Trembling on the hands.
  3. Unconsciousness is often in patients.
  4. Watery stomach and stomach swell.
  5. Blood vomiting.

According to international statistics, 100 persons are victims of the hepatitis virus. Then after 20 to 30 years only 30 person victims of shrink liver issues.

Hepatitis B & C transmission

  1. Blood transfer without precaution.
  2. Single injection syringe use for more than one patient.
  3. Due to the use of a used blade for shaving.
  4. Due to the use of other’s toothbrushes or razors.
  5. Nose and ear Piercing with a used needle.
  6. Acupuncture(A Chinese method of remedy) with used needles.
  7. Use of dental and surgical equipment that is not germs-protected.
  8. Tattooing on body.
  9. The affected mother’s child may be the victim of this virus.
  10. The physical relation with the victim of the hepatitis B virus.

The Processes do not transmit hepatitis B & C

  1. The mother feeds her child.
  2. Eating and drinking in common pot.
  3. Due to sneezing and coughing.
  4. Shaking hands and sitting with the patient.

Safety precautions of hepatitis B & C.

The most effective and reliable method of prevention from hepatitis B is vaccination of hepatitis B. The vaccination is always injected before hepatitis.

  1. Always verify the blood before the transfer to the patient.
  2. Always use a new disposable syringe before injection.
  3. If possible then use new medical equipment during medical treatment.
  4. Always use all sharp tools(shawing tools, Nose, and ear Piercing tools ) after boiling in water.


The vaccine for hepatitis B is available in the market but the hepatitis C vaccine is not invented. Although the treatment of hepatitis B & C is available doctors have been treating hepatitis for many years. If any person confirms the presence of hepatitis in the body he should go to a medical specialist.

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