Industrial electric panel safety

Electricity is the main power source of our industries and daily life usage. Electricity could be a hazardous power source because it can cause accidental and fire emergencies. Several accidents, incidents, and mishaps appear due to electricity. Electric shocks affect the number of industrial workers every year like serious injury and death.

Electric panels have major importance in electricity transmission.

Here are three main types of electrical panels.

  1. Main Transmission Electric panel
  2. Sub Transmission Electric panel
  3. Machine Electric panel

Safety points should be kept in mind when you need to install an electric panel.

1. Safe Placement of Electric Panel

  1. Upper from ground level
    • Electric panels should be mounted on the wall or stay at the structure at the upper level from the ground to protect it from water, reptiles, and corrosion.
  2. Avoid liquid transmission lines
    • industry with many liquid transmission lines installed for liquid transmission. It is very risky to mound the electric panels under these liquid lines. If you need to install an electric panel under liquid transmission lines you need to take extra safety precautions.
      1. Panel Upper cover with insulation
      2. No flange, joint, or valve in the liquid line
  3. Safe from martial transfer sources
  4. Specific location not in ways

2. Air tights and water-proof

  1. Safe from reptiles and insects
  2. Safe from moisture
  3. Extra upper cover and insulation

3. Electrical device separation

  1. The safety gap between devices
  2. Fiber separators between devices
  3. Safety shield in front of devices
  4. Thimble sleeve

4. Cable entrance points

  1. Cable entrance from down-side
  2. Cable Couplers

5. Safety grill around the panel

6. Rubbermate in front of panel

7. Earthing of electric panels

Electrical panel circuit diagrams should be available there for guidelines for electrical workers.

ANSI standard of industrial electric panel safety

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