Understanding Responsibility for Safety in the Workplace

Responsibility is the thought in this thought we take care of ourselves and others. And how active we are for this purpose. Create responsibility in our minds so we can take care of ourselves and others effectively. For example, if we follow the safety precautions we can save ourselves and others at the workplace and home.

Responsibility Synonym

Responsibility is used in different forms, having a duty, dealing with something, control over someone, authority, control, power, leadership, management, influence, duty, being accountable, something, blame, fault, guilt, culpability, blameworthiness, liability, trustworthiness, level-headedness, rationality, sanity, reason, reasonableness, sense, common sense, stability, maturity, adultness, reliability, dependability, and competence.

Our Responsibility and safety

Our safety is directly related to our responsibility. If we are responsible then we are safe. We mostly spend our time at the workplace and at home, however, we are responsible for our workplace and home.

Responsibilities at the workplace

  1. Keep all the walkways clear in the workplace.
  2. Keep control of each type of fire at the workplace and at home.
  3. Keep the heaters and stoves from each type of flammable material.
  4. Maintain housekeeping and 5s in the workplace.
  5. Always put the right thing in the right place to improve safety.
  6. Always wear appropriate personal protective equipment at the workplace.
  7. Don’t do that work if you do not have enough knowledge about that work.
  8. Do your work with attention and don’t gossip with others at the workplace.

Responsibilities at home

  1. After making cool the cigarettes and matchsticks are put in the ashtray.
  2. Change immediately to broken electric plugs and circuits.
  3. Sharp edge tools like knives and cutters should be kept after tying and kept away from children.
  4. Keep all walkways clear.
  5. Maintain housekeeping and 5s in the workplace.
  6. Don’t use rusty and dangerous stairs.
  7. Keep clean all the things which fall on the floor.
  8. All types of medicines keep away from reach of the children.
  9. Always clean your clothes and shoes before wearing them.
  10. Don’t do that work if you do not have enough knowledge about that work.
  11. Don’t turn on unnecessary lights and fans.
  12. Don’t touch the electric wires and cables.
  13. Immediately repair the loose connections because it can cause fire hazards.
  14. Always prepare yourself for the help of others in an emergency.

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