The Importance of a Safety and Well-being Wall in Your Workplace

What is a safe and well-being wall?

The Safety and Well-being Wall is a wall in your workplace like industries, multinational companies, and offices. The EHS department assigns this wall. Notices are posted on this wall to provide information, give instructions, and be aware.

Examples of this wall

When we go to the city, we see different places where people assign the wall as a charity wall. People put their unneeded things in front of this wall or hang them on the wall’s hanger. As in hospitals and dispensaries, a wall is assigned for a health wall. They are creating awareness about health issues. In industries, a wall is assigned for the safety and well-being wall. for awareness of workers’ safety and safety status.

Type of WallLocationsKey Elements
Charity WallDifferent places in the cityUnused items for people that another person can easily pick from here.
Health WallHospitals and DispensariesPosters on health issues
Awareness WallDifferent Stations like airports, railways, etc.Sessional disease information, safety threats, etc.
Information WallStations, call centers, media houses, etc.Information for employees, visitors, and contractors
Safety and well-being wallIndustries and factoriesSafety awareness and safety items for industry workers

The Importance of Prioritizing Employee Safety and Well-being

Employees are the main strength of the Industry to make it functional. The safety and well-being of employees is very important and a reasonable action. Providing PPE and safety gear is the responsibility of employers for the betterment of work and efficiency.

Key Elements to Include in Your Safety and Well-being Wall

Key elements and posters are available related to workplace safety conditions and the nature of work. Different work conditions or departments have different elements and posters to be aware of for the safety of employees.

Posters and key elements of Safety and Well-being Wall.

Notices and Posters

  1. Awareness of emergencies.
  2. Information about (PPE) personal protection equipment
  3. Emergency Response Team (ERT) members.
  4. Use of fire extinguishers according to fire type.
  5. First aid kit and procedure to use first aid kit items.
  6. Emergency contact numbers for government and industry EHS departments.
  7. The workers’ management council team and the latest update about this council.
  8. Details of WMC (Workers Management Council) meetings and progress report.
  9. Results of gamba walks, like safety gamba walk, 5S gamba walk and energy gamba walk.
  10. Audit reports, like internal and external audit reports.

The notice about safety, security, meetings, and minutes of meetings.

Key Elements of the Safety Wall and Well-being Wall

  1. PPE (Personal Protective Equipment) box
  2. First aid kit with user instructions
  3. Fire blanket
  4. Complaint box with complaint procedure
  5. Notice board
  6. List of ERT (Emergency Response Team) members

Location/selection of the safety wall.

The selection of a safety wall is a significant factor because you want to convey your message to each employee. The entrance point is a commonly important point for the notice board. A wide area should be available in front of the safety and well-being wall. To easily stand for employees. While they read and understand the safety wall’s posters and key elements.

Importance of the Safety Wall.

Safety and well-being wall in industries and offices.
Health and wellness walls in hospitals and dispensaries.
Charity walls in societies and around cities.

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