SOP for chemical handling, storage, usage, and disposal.

1. Purpose

The purpose of this procedure is to ensure safe handling, storage, usage, and disposal of chemicals. Transportation of chemicals is also a careful factor for safety. This procedure will be adopted to ensure safe chemical management practices and to elemenate the hazard related to chemical exposure.

2. Corporate Sustainability and Chemical Management Department

Every company which uses chemicals should have a department for safe chemical activities. Some companies named this department “Corporate Sustainability” and “Chemical Management Department”. Small companies and units assign this duty to the Safety and EHS Department for best practices on chemicals.

3. Scope

All relevant departments of the industry can apply this procedure. All units where chemicals are being stored and used.

What is the CAS number of the chemical?

CAS stands for Chemical Abstract Service. This is a unique numerical identification and is use to identify the class of each chemical.

What is Health Hazard?

A potential source of danger to a person’s health is in the Health Hazard category.

4. Definitions / Abbreviations

  • CS & CM ➝ Corporate Sustainability and Chemical Management
  • EHS ➝ Environmental Health and Safety
  • CIL ➝ Chemical Inventory List
  • SDS ➝ Safety Data Sheet
  • FIFO ➝ First In First Out
  • SCL ➝ Supply Chain Logistics
  • PD-P ➝ Product Development-Processing

Responsibilities of Chemical Management Departments

  • Conduct the entire chemical management system with respect to storage, handling, usage, and disposal of chemicals.
  • Chemical Management department should be responsible for documenting chemicals. Also, sharing the updated procedures related to usage, handling, transportation, and disposal of chemicals with relevant stakeholders.
  • Analyze risks associated with chemical handling, usage, storage, transportation, and disposal in coordination with the safety and EHS departments.
  • CS & CM will decide on the disposal mechanism by coordinating with the Safety, EHS, P&S, and PD-P.
  • Conduct a risk assessment of each chemical and document the risk assessment for further use.
  • The Chemical Management department will share the chemical compatibility chart and GHS hazard pictogram with the EHS team for implementation in the chemical storage area.
  • Chemical Management, will be conducting training for EHS team and chemical department workers on chemical handling and storage
  • Bi-annual internal audits will be conducted by CS & CM to ensure safe handling and storage of chemicals in chemical stores, production floors and utilities area.
  • Chemical Management will check and ensure the appropriate quality of all PPE before chemical workers use them.

Responsibilities of Supply Chain Logistics (SCL)

Store In-charge is responsible for keeping records of all documents related to chemical storage. and ensure the chemicals are stored according to the SDS and the following conditions.

  • Incompatible chemicals should be stored separately.
  • Reactive chemicals should be stored away from possible reaction sources such as water.
  • Chemicals should be stored in a low humidity environment.
  • `Flammable and combustible chemicals should be stored in the designated areas. And away from the source of the ignition, designated areas should fulfill fire safety requirments.
  • Acids and basics should be kept at a distance from each other and manage the safe gap between them. other.
  • Oxidisers should keep away from other chemicals, especially flammable or combustible.
  • Corrosive chemicals must be stored seperately.
  • Lot/Batch wise chemical traceability must be recorded.
  • Expired chemicals must be kept separate from other chemicals.
  • Safe transportation methods should be followed while transporting chemicals within the facility.