What is a Safety Plan? Its Importance in Industrial Settings.

A safety plan is a personalized and practical strategy designed to stay safe in dangerous or harmful situations. The specifics of a safety plan depend on the nature of the work and the workplace situation. A Safety Plan generally includes steps to manage risk, identify resources, and respond to emergencies. We can’t ignore the Industrial Safety Plan and its importance in industrial settings.

The Industrial Safety Plan is a plan and strategy to provide a safe and secure environment for the workers. The main purpose of the Industrial Safety Plan is to protect workers, machines, and property from accidents, hazards, and risks. We can easily understand the importance of industrial safety plans.

Our industries have different departments. Most of our industrial safety plans refer to worker’s safety and its. Other than that, according to safety law, all departments are under the safety or EHS department.

Here is a hierarchy diagram to help you understand the safety plan in industrial settings.

  1. COMMON SAFETY: This type of safety element is common and should be available for each department.
    • Emergency Action Plan
    • Fire Hydrant System
    • Training for First Aid, Fire Fighting, and Floor Warden
    • Building Safety Points
      • Building Safety Audits
    • Boundry Wall Safety
    • Emergency Evacuation Plan
    • Raw Material Warehouse
    • Production Storage Warehouse
    • Accessory Store Safety
    • Flammable Solid Material Storage Safety
    • Flammable Liquid Storage Safety
      • Above Storage Tanks Safety
    • Waste Store Safety
    • Machine Safety
    • Machine Operator Safety
    • Sharp Edge Tool Safety Policy
    • Mechanical Department Safety
    • Electrical Department Safety
    • Chemical Department Safety
    • Hot Work Safety
    • Power Sources Safety

The Industrial Safety Plan is the responsibility of the industry’s management or EHS department. For this purpose, management established a department called “EHS and Safety.” It is concerned with “reducing hazards and risks,” “controlling accidents and mishaps,” and “eliminating risks“.

We can’t ignore the Industrial Safety Plan and its importance. An Industrial Safety Plan is essential for these benefits.

01Comply with regulationsSafety Plan helps organizations comply with OSHA’s international regulatory standards.
02Ensure a rapid responseISP provides a structured approach with clear procedures and roles to ensure an efficient response.
03Improve moraleIt can help improve workplace morale and confidence by ensuring employees feel supported. 
04Guide actions and decisionsIt provides a framework for how an organization should make safe and secure environment.
05Protect people and propertyThe Safety Plan helps to minimize injuries, save lives, and protect property.
06Categorize HazardsIt categorizes risks and hazards according to the workplace.

An Industrial safety plan should be designed on three bases. It is necessary to focus on these standards for the betterment of the business.

  1. Local Labour and safety laws
  2. International Safety Standards
  3. Customer Safety Standards

In simple words, the industrial safety plan is a complete plan of safety made after developing a detailed risk assessment document.

  1. Training for Emergencies
  2. Safety Roles and Policies
  3. Emergency Evacuation Map
  4. Fire Point and Fire Post
  5. Assembly Area and Assembly Point
  6. Safety and Well-being Wall

Mechanical1. Falls, Slips, and Trips Risks while performing maintenance on the machine.
2. Working at height safely while using ladders or using scaffolding.
3. Injuries while using sharp-edged tools.
4. Hazards in a confined space.
5. Safety of the power sources of the machine.
6. Head injuries when hitting an object.
Electrical1. Electric shock
2. Electrical Blast
3. Electrical Panels Safety
Hot Works
Boiler House
Power House
Chemical Store and labs
Oils and Flammables store
Waste Store

Above mentioned some department-related risks and their prevention and some other safety plans that are related to all workers.

Occupational Safety is a requirement for the International Business Market.

Industrial Safety is a basic need for industrial workers and contractors. Every employee in the industry desires to work in a safe and protected atmosphere. It is the moral responsibility of the industrialist to look toward employee protection.

  1. Control of life loss:
    • The top priority for industrial safety is the safety of workers from accidents that cause life loss and disability. Accidents and mishaps have bad effects on workers’ minds that can cause:
      • The worker feels unsafe and unsatisfied.
      • Down worker’s morals and performance.
      • Every worker is responsible for his family, so he needs self-protection.

Some departments are directly related to the product and some are indirectly related to the product.